Pastor E.A Adeboye, The General Overseer (RCCG)
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh
my help.
Psalm 121:1
Read: Psalm 121:1-2
1 A Song of degrees.
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
2 My help cometh from
the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
In the course of our walk with God, we encounter challenges
of life that test the level and quality of our faith; but praise God that we
have the assurance of the Lord that there is no mountain our faith cannot
surmount (Matthew 17:20). For those who are in Christ, problems arise in order
to generate testimonies. The size of the problem you encounter will determine
the size of your testimony. If you ask God for a big testimony, then you must
be ready to face a big challenge. What made the testimony of Shadrach, Meshach
and Abednego most outstanding was not just the fact that they went through the
fiery furnace, but the fact that the furnace, heated to its most intense level,
could not harm them (Daniel 3:19-24). Are you going through fire at the moment?
Fear not! Look up to God and He will see you through.
Are you confronted with any issue of life? In what direction
are you looking for solution? If looking forward, backward and sideways has not
helped you, then it is time to look up. Looking ahead, behind or sideways
simply suggests dependence on self or on people. Depending on a fellow man
operating at the same level as you is a foolish thing to do; you cannot access
true help that way. Jeremiah 17:5 says:
"Thus saith the
LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and
whose heart departeth from the LORD."
Furthermore, looking down implies looking at the devil and
his forces of darkness, because they are under your feet. Of course you can't
go to the architect of a problem for its solution. You need to know that until
you look upwards for God's intervention, you may never get your blessing.
There was a particular nice woman who had an epileptic son.
Whenever he had a seizure, it was so bad. Wherever she rented an apartment,
people loved her for her good nature, but after they realise her son was
epileptic, they would show her the exit door with some apology. This made her
move houses so often. Then one day, while going with the boy to the market, at the
very heart of town, the boy experienced a seizure and everyone fled. She
grabbed the boy, stood him on his feet, lifted her eyes to God and said,
"O God, I am here without anyone to help me, but I know you are there,
please help me." From that day, her son was healed of that condition. Has
an unpleasant situation brought you to a most disgraceful place? Look up to God
today, hold unto Him and He will make a way for you. The Lord will terminate
your shame and turn it into honour.
Prayer Point:
Father, give me the grace to always focus my gaze on You.
Bible in one year:
Job 36:1-40:2; 1 Timothy 6:3-21
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